Peer Reviewed Journals
Treffers, T. Klarners, P. Huy, Q. Forthcoming. Emotions, time, and strategy: The effects of happiness and sadness on strategic decision making under time constraints. Long Range Planning.
Sguera, F., Bagozzi, R., Huy, Q., Boss, W., Boss, D. Forthcoming. What We Share is Who We Are and What We Do: How Emotional Intimacy Shapes Organizational Identification and Collaborative Behaviors. Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Sguera, F., Bagozzi, R., Huy, Q., Boss, W., Boss, D. 2018. The More You Care, the Worthier I Feel, the Better I Behave: How and When Supervisor Support Influences (Un)Ethical Employee Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics.
Huy, Q., Zott. C. 2019. Exploring the Affective Underpinnings of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities: How Managers’ Emotion Regulation Behaviors Mobilize Resources for Their Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 40, 1:28-54.
Vuori, N., Vuori, T., Huy, Q. 2018. Emotional practices: How masking negative emotions impacts the post-acquisition integration process. Strategic Management Journal, 39: 859-893.
Kunisch, S., Bartunek, J., Mueller, J., Huy, Q. 2017. Time in strategic change research. Academy of Management Annals, 11, 2: 1-60.
Ashkanasy, N., Humphrey, R., Huy, Q. 2017. Special topic forum on Integrating affect and emotion in management theories. Academy of Management Review, 42, 2: 175-189.
Guo, Y., Huy, Q. & Zhixing X. 2017. How middle managers manage the political environment to achieve market goals: Insights from China’s state-owned enterprises. Strategic Management Journal, 38, 3: 676-696.
Excerpts reported in Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Graebner, M., Heimericks, K., Huy, Q., Vaara, E. 2017. The process of postmerger integration: a review and agenda for future research. Academy of Management Annals, 11, 1:1-32.
Sguera, F., Bagozzi, R., Huy, Q., Boss, W., Boss, D. 2016. Curtailing the harmful effects of workplace incivility: the role of structural demands and organization-provided resources. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95-96: 115-127
Vuori, T. & Huy, Q. 2016. Distributed attention and shared emotions in the innovation process: How Nokia lost the smartphone battle. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61, 1:9-51.
Excerpts reported in:
Financial Times, 2016, Intel’s Andy Grove and the difference between good and bad fear, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4c84d2e8-fa5f-11e5-8f41-df5bda8beb40.html#axzz45bRrIgKV, April 11, 2016 12:36 pm,
Smartbrief, (a leading business newsletter describing the Nokia study), 2015 http://www.smartbrief.com/s/2015/09/culture-fear-dragged-down-nokia
El Confidencial, (major Spanish online newspaper, describing the Nokia study), 2015 http://www.elconfidencial.com/alma-corazon-vida/2015-09-24/la-razon-del-hundimiento-de-nokia-y-es-algo-que-pasa-todos-los-dias-en-tu-empresa_1033982/
Estragegias de Inversion, (a Spanish business newspaper, describing the Nokia study), 2015 http://www.estrategiasdeinversion.com/invertir-corto/noticias/paso-nokia-siendo-lider-mercado-telefonia-movil-cedio-posicion-290514
Tech.ifeng.com, 2015, (leading Chinese business and technology news site, describing the Nokia study) 谁杀死了诺基亚?两年后欧洲第一商学院教授找到真相, http://tech.ifeng.com/a/20150930/41484606_0.shtml
Helsingin Sanomat, Sunday editorial in Finland’s most appreciated newspaper), 2015 http://www.hs.fi/m/paakirjoitukset/a1443236912653?ref=hs-test-prio-4
YLE: “Was Nokia managed by fear” (Live interview in the national broadcast channel), 2015 http://areena.yle.fi/1-3046272
Talouselämä (the main weekly business magazine in Finland) 2015, http://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/nokia-tutkija-yllattyi-pelon-ilmapiirista-ulkoapain-kulttuuri-oli-nayttanyt-paljon-positiivisemmalta-6000534
Kauppalehti (the main business newspaper in Finland; front page; person of the week) 2014, http://www.kauppalehti.fi/uutiset/pelko-tukki-nokian-johtajien-suut/mrGYuuGH
The Edge Malaysia (the leading weekly business publication across Malaysia and Singapore), 2014 http://www.theedgemalaysia.com/management/280296-what-could-have-saved-nokia-and-what-can-other-companies-learn.html
Forbes India, 2014, http://forbesindia.com/article/insead/what-could-have-saved-nokia-and-what-can-other-companies-learn/37423/1
Iltalehti (the most popular news site in Finland and a daily newspaper), 2014, editorial and front-page story, http://www.iltalehti.fi/talous/2014061018389931_ta.shtml; http://www.iltalehti.fi/talous/2014061018389931_ta.shtml
Savon Sanomat (an important regional newspaper in Finland), 2014, editorial http://www.savonsanomat.fi/mielipide/artikkelit/peloton-yritys-menestyy/1831811
Sanchez-Burks J., Bartel C., Rees, L., Huy, Q. 2016. Assessing Collective Affect Recognition via the Emotional Aperture Measure. Cognition and Emotion, 30, 1: 117-133.
Huy, Q., Corley, K. A. Kraatz, M. 2014. From support to mutiny: Shifting legitimacy judgments and emotional reactions impacting the implementation of radical change. Academy of Management Journal, 57, 6: 1650-1680.
Huy, Q. & Shiplov, A. 2012. The key to social media success within organizations. MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall, 54(1): 73-81.
Huy, Q. August 2012. Emotions and Strategic Organization: Opportunities for impactful research. Strategic Organization, 10: 240-247
Huy, Q. 2012. Improving the Odds of Publishing Inductive Qualitative Research in Premier Academic Journals. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 48, 2: 282-287
Huy, Q. 2011. How middle managers’ collective emotions and social identities influence strategy implementation. Strategic Management Journal, 32: 1387-1410.
Suddaby, R., Hardy, C., Huy, Q. 2011. Where are the new theories of organization. Academy of Management Review, 36, 2:236-246.
Sanchez-Burks, J. and Q. Huy 2009. Emotional Aperture and Strategic Change: The Accurate Recognition of Collective Emotions. Organization Science, 20, 1: 22-34.
Huy, Q. and C. Zott 2009. Trust me. MIT Sloan Management Review/Wall Street Journal Business Insights. November 30 2009.
Zott, C, and Q. Huy, 2007. How entrepreneurs use symbolic management to acquire resources. Administrative Science Quarterly, 70-105.
Huy, Q. 2005. An emotion-based view of strategic renewal. Advances in Strategic Management, 22: 3-37.
Huy, Q. & H. Mintzberg 2003. The rhythm of change. MIT Sloan Management Review, 44(4): 79-84.
Huy, Q. 2002. Emotional balancing of organizational continuity and radical change: The contribution of middle managers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 31-69.
Huy, Q. 2001. In praise of middle managers. Harvard Business Review, 80: 72-79.
Lead article
Selected by Harvard Business Review as “Breakthrough ideas for today's business agenda" (2002). Excerpts reported in Financial News (UK), the Sunday Telegraph (UK), Le Figaro (France), La Tribune (France), Observer (Denmark), Hansen (Denmark), The Globe and Mail (Canada), Chicago Tribune (USA), Harvard Business Review’s first edition in China.
Huy, Q. 2001. Time, temporal capability, and planned change. Academy of Management Review, 26: 601-623.
Huy, Q. 1999. Emotional capability, emotional intelligence, and radical change. Academy of Management Review, 24: 325-345.
Excerpts reported in Financial Times (UK), Les Echos (France), and Semarino Economico Management (Portugal).
Book Chapters
Huy, Q, Vuori, T. Forthcoming. Emotionality and Change. In A. Van de Ven & M.S. Poole, S. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation.
Huy. Q., Scheef C. Forthcoming. Emotion and Strategic Renewal. In A. Tuncdogan, A. Lindgreen, F. van den Bosch, H. Volberda (Eds.), Handbook of Strategic Renewal: XX-XX, Routledge.
Huy, Q. & Guo, Y. 2017. Middle managers’ emotion management in the strategy process. In S. W. Floyd & B. Wooldridge (Eds.), Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research: XX-XX, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.
Huy. Q. 2011. Emotions and strategic change. The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship. K. Cameron and G. Spreitzer (eds). Oxford University Press.
Van der Heyden, L. and Huy, Q. 2008. Procedural justice and emotional intelligence. In Family Values and Value Creation. J. Tapies and J. Ward (eds). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 214-235.
Huy, Q. 2008. How contrasting emotions can enhance strategic agility. In Research Companion to Emotion in Organizations. N. Ashkanasy and C. Cooper (eds). Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. Pp. 546-560.
Durand, R. and Huy, Q. 2008. Practical wisdom and emotional capability as antecedents of organizational accountability in revolutionary change processes (2008) In Research on emotion in organizations: Emotions, ethics and decision-making. W. J. Zerbe, C. E. J. Härtel, & C. E. Ashkanasy (eds.). Bingley, UK: JAI Press. Vol. 4. Pp 311-332.
Huy, Q. 2008. Emotional patterns in organizations. In International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. S. Clegg & J. Bailey (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Vol. 2 Pp. 436-437.
Huy, Q. 2005. Emotion management to facilitate strategic change and innovation: How emotional balancing and emotional capability work together. In Emotions in organizational behavior. C. Härtel, W. Zerbe & N. Ashkanasy (eds.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp. 295-316.
Huy, Q. 2004. The four thrusts of strategic renewal. In Next generation business handbook: New strategies from tomorrow’s thought leaders. S. Chowdhury (ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 2004. Pp. 941-955.
Huy, Q. 2000. Emotional capability and corporate change. In Financial Times Mastering Strategy. T. Dickson (ed.). London, UK: Pearson Education. Pp. 306-311.
Book reviews
Huy, Q. 2010 . Paul Osterman: The truth about middle managers: who they are, how they work, why they matter. Administrative Science Quarterly, 55: 167-169.
Huy, Q. 2008. Simon Down: Narratives of an Enterprise: Crafting Entrepreneurial Self-identity in a Small Firm. Administrative Science Quarterly, 53: 374-376.
Best Paper Proceedings
Biniari, M., Huy, Q., Ravasi, How Tensions in Valorizing Time Influence Planned Organizational Change. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2020. Organization Development and Change Division.
Mack, D., Huy, Q. 2000 Power to the People? The Limits of Equality-based Involvement in Managing Strategic Change. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2020.
Saoure, K, Huy, Q. CEO & Temporal Strategies to Pacify Warring Coalitions. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2019. Best Paper Award, Strategy as Practice Interest Group.
Vuori, T., Huy, Q. 2018 Shaping top managers’ moods: Board emotion regulation in the strategy formulation process.
Huy, Q., Sonenshein, H., Bresman, H. Leading strategic change under uncertainty. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2017. Development and Change Division.
Vuori T. & Huy Q. Mental models and affective influence in inter-organizational collaboration for new technology. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2016. Managerial Organization Cognition Division.
Huy, Q, Chen W., Tang, G. Emotional Teaching: How CEOs develop top management teams in Chinese Firms. Recipient of Graduate Management Education Award--sponsored by the Graduate Management Admission Council--for the most significant contribution to graduate management education. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2015. Management Education Division.
Vuori T & Huy Q. Emotional Sensegiving. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2013. Finalist for MOC best paper award.
Sguerra, F., Bagozzi, R., Huy, Q., Boss, W., Boss, D. Emotion Sharing and Organization Identification. 2012.
Huy, Q. & Reus, T. 2011. An emotion-based view of post merger integration.
Maddux, W., Huy, Q., Sanchez-Burks, J. 2011 The influence of Eastern and Western societal cultures in managing strategic change.
Biniary, M. & Huy, Q. 2011. Bringing the honey out of people: managing envy to help organizational innovation processes.
Sguerra, F., Bagozzi, R., Huy, Q., Boss, W. 2011. Workplace Incivility and Turnover Intentions: The Efficacy of Managerial Interventions. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Huy, Q. 2009. Interaction between Cognition and Emotion on Processes of Strategic Renewal. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Huy, Q. and C. Zott 2007. How entrepreneurs regulate stakeholders’ emotions to build new organizations. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings . Also Best paper, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management, 2007.
Durand, R and Huy, Q. 2007. Knowledge sharing in organizations: Inviting ethics and emotion to the banquet. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Huy, Q. 2002. Emotional filtering and strategic change. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Also Best Paper, Organization Development & Change Division, 2002
Huy, Q. 2000. Do humanistic values matter? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Huy, Q. 1998. Change navigation styles and corporate revitalization. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Reprinted in Academy of Management Organization Development & Change Newsletter, 1999: 11-15
Case Studies
Longfor: A non-traditional company in China (with teaching notes)
Inglot: Conquering the world (with teaching notes)
Ikea A: Ikea’s Strategy Today
Ikea B: How IKEA’s strategy was formed
BP Oil Rig Disaster: CEO Tony Hayward and Crisis Management (for Executivecourse on management of public collective emotions)
The rise and fall of UBS under CEO Marcel Ospel (for teaching strategy execution intwo culturally different banking systems, USA and Switzerland)
Portrait of an Emotional Leader: Apple Steve Jobs (for teaching link between emotional CEO’s actions and execution of business strategy)
Building emotional energy for renewal: Nissan. INSEAD case 2010. (Condensed and refined version of previous Nissan case 2004)
Strategic improvement turned sour: National Air. INSEAD case 2004. (How the top management team developed a good strategy but failed in realizing it. Highlight the emotional barriers to strategic turnaround.)
Building emotional capital for strategic renewal: Nissan (1999-2002). INSEAD case 2004. (How Carlos Ghosn and the French team built social and emotional capital with Japanese Nissan to renew a company close to bankruptcy within 3 years.)
Streamline (A), (B), (C). INSEAD case 2002—How a middle manager contributes to making a merger work. (Illustrates emotion management in post-merger integration.
Teaching notes describe emotional capability in organizations supplied with the case and is distributed via ECCH.) With Teaching Notes.
Vector (A), (B), (C). INSEAD case 2003. How a middle manager interacted with amilitant union to implement a controversial change. (Illustrates strategyimplementation by middle managers; time pacing and sequencing of changeactions; emotion management; socializing style of change. Teaching notes describe political attunement and emotional capability in organizations supplied with the case and is distributed via ECCH.) With Teaching Notes.